Телефони для абітурієнтів: (0512) 47-00-11, (063) 352-17-01
ARI Docs Viewer: 'https://mfknukim.mk.ua/./images/abiturient/2019/+022 Дизайн МК Наказ 520.xls' file doesn't exist. Check that the correct path to the file is specified. The path is a case sensitive.

ARI Docs Viewer: 'https://mfknukim.mk.ua/./images/abiturient/2019/+024 Хореографія МК Наказ 521.xls' file doesn't exist. Check that the correct path to the file is specified. The path is a case sensitive.

ARI Docs Viewer: 'https://mfknukim.mk.ua/./images/abiturient/2019/+025 Музичне мист. МК Наказ 522.xls' file doesn't exist. Check that the correct path to the file is specified. The path is a case sensitive.

ARI Docs Viewer: 'https://mfknukim.mk.ua/./images/abiturient/2019/+028 ГРТС МК Наказ 523.xls' file doesn't exist. Check that the correct path to the file is specified. The path is a case sensitive.

ARI Docs Viewer: 'https://mfknukim.mk.ua/./images/abiturient/2019/+029 ІБАС МК Наказ 524.xls' file doesn't exist. Check that the correct path to the file is specified. The path is a case sensitive.

ARI Docs Viewer: 'https://mfknukim.mk.ua/./images/abiturient/2019/+034 КДД МК Наказ 525.xls' file doesn't exist. Check that the correct path to the file is specified. The path is a case sensitive.

ARI Docs Viewer: 'https://mfknukim.mk.ua/./images/abiturient/2019/+241 ГРС МК Наказ 526.xls' file doesn't exist. Check that the correct path to the file is specified. The path is a case sensitive.

ARI Docs Viewer: 'https://mfknukim.mk.ua/./images/abiturient/2019/+242 Туризм МК Наказ 527.xls' file doesn't exist. Check that the correct path to the file is specified. The path is a case sensitive.